Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

CFD has the capability of modelling complex flow problems beyond the realm of conventional methods. FEC have the capability to undertake flow problems addressing pressure loss, heat transfer, mixing, wear, reaction and mass transfer.


CFD sees most application in demanding environments with complex fluid behaviour. FEC have completed assessments to determine valve and pipeline wear, heat transfer in refractory lined equipment and even flow through an air Cooled heat exchanger during a cyclonic wind event. If you have an application where fluid behaviour needs to be quantified, whether it be pressure drop, mixing efficiency, heat transfer or wear, then CFD may provide a suitable solution.

Prior Experience

An example of the projects completed by FEC for commercial applications include:


  • Wear simulations (water/gas and particle)
  • Pressure drop (incompressible and slightly compressible)
  • Heat transfer
  • Mixing (multiple fluids)
  • Pump and fan power requirements
  • Controlled combustion
  • Transient and steady state events
  • Multiple fluids and phases

Head Office (Brisbane)

ABN 30 161 215 372

+61 7 3252 7400

PO Box 3083
Newstead, 4006,
Qld, Australia

14 Jordan Terrace,
Bowen Hills, 4006,
Qld, Australia


All of the content on this website is the property of FEC or used with permission from our clients. Reproduction or use of this content without express written permission from FE Consultants is prohibited.