by Byron Laird | Oct 10, 2024 | News
FEC complete the mechanical design of solar receivers and associated equipment. The capability sheet lists some of our experience and projects in the field. A recent solar receiver and enclosure design for the CSIRO and ANU as displayed at the 2023 SolarPACES...
by Byron Laird | Mar 19, 2024 | News, Projects
FE Consultants (FEC) are proud to announce the success of our long-time client Hazer Group Ltd (Hazer) in producing first hydrogen and graphite from their Commercial Demonstration Plant (CDP) in Perth, Western Australia. The CDP takes Biogas from a water treatment...
by Byron Laird | Dec 6, 2023 | News
The thermal response of reactors, furnaces and Post Weld Heat Treatment (PHWT) arrangements is a result of multiple heat inputs and thermal losses. As part of both the mechanical and process design, it is necessary to understand the system behaviour for: Determining...
by Byron Laird | Oct 11, 2021 | News
FEC have been involved in the mechanical design of hydrogen equipment for many years. This includes: Design, specification, and layout of hydrogen piping Design of high pressure hydrogen storage equipment Mechanical design and development of metal hydride hydrogen...
by Sam Nicklin | May 21, 2021 | News
Plant Shutdowns (also known as Turnarounds) are brief periods of time where a plant is either partially or totally taken out of service to perform maintenance activities. This approach permits access, inspection, and repair of critical equipment. Planned work scopes...
by Sam Nicklin | Apr 22, 2021 | News
FE Consultants have moved to the top floor of the same building. Our street address is now 14 Jordan Terrace (level 2). Parking access remains from 31 Folkestone Street.